25 Nov 2011

24 Nov 2011

Voyage test 2

I’ve just gave my brother the voyage to test again, he seems to like it a lot more especially the games I’ve done. The main thing I need to work on now is wording up the information so it’s interesting, informative and short because he still finds the information too much to read.
So I’m going to cut the word count down to a few sentences for each section, like what most kids books are like.

Voyage validation & a breif update

In todays lesson we went over html validating what is required in this project. I have uploaded my pages and fixed all the pages exept the main page, were their is only 1 error stopping it being passed the error is on a rel="" tag, i have tryed to fix this problem but it breaks the code, the rel tag is linked to a hidden div that appears when an image is clicked. I have discussed this with Giselle and she said aslong as their isnt anymore errors it will be fine.

I am aslong creating an accessibility page and im going to enlarge the navigation making it easier for children to use.

17 Nov 2011

Developing the Voyage

Were i am?

I've coded up the one page website and tested it on my brother and sister who said that its easy to follow and they like the drawing but they both said it was abit boring!.

So iv decided insted of clicking the space station and it taking you to google maps, iv made a little jquery game were you have to search an image looking for an alien alot like wheres wally. After creating the jquery game i imported it into my site using an iframe jquery pop up box.

10 Nov 2011

final design

Here is my final design for the project voyage, iv kept the design simple and easy to follow because im aiming it at kids.

1 Nov 2011


My first idea for the voyage was to have five seperate pages with each page having hyperlinks taking you to different pages. Here is the wireframe i created.

After looking through the web i was fascinated with one page website and decided the best way to portray a voyage would be on a one page website letting the user scroll through a story.

So here is are my new wireframes for the voyage.
Thesite is going to start from the bottom letting the users scroll to the top showing various stages of the vohage. Im going to add a navigation to the side of the site making it fixed.
The 1st page is going to be very simple just telling you what the site is about and how to use it.
The second page will have information about spaceships and nasa.
The third page will have information about space, it will also have an image gallery and a link to Google map so you can see your house from space.
The fourth page will have the spaceman landing on the planet with information oh how long it took and about the planet.
The last page will just been an image of the spaceman putting the flag on the planet and being approached by aliens.

Gant chart

Heres my gant chart braking down how i will design and develope the vohage. I created it using illustrator becuase i didnt know how to create one using the programs i downloaded.